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Saturday 30 July 2011

Tips to Develop Communication Skills in English

Communication means to convey message from one person to another in a clear and mannerly way so that the other person can understand. It requires both sender and receiver. When a sender sends a message the receiver should receive it without any disturbance then we can say that the communication is successful. In today’s world the way of communication portrays a person in the field of manners, how well-behaved he is and how he can present himself in front of the world. For this some skills are required in communication which makes it more effective.

Communication is the ability that distinguishes one individual from another. In order to be a good human being in a society one needs to develop communication skills. To develop communication skills attend the seminars and workshop on effective communication skills. Some tips to improve your communication skills:

  • Read: Just read, read and read what ever interest you as it is the first step of learning communication skills. Read books, newspapers, magazines, online articles etc.
  • Note: While reading which ever words you find difficult to understand just note it down. Then refer to a dictionary. This will help you to come across a lot of new and useful words which help you in your near future.
  • Speak: Speak more in English language to the people around you. The person who is communicating well speak to him regularly. He will notice your weakness and correct you in each and every manner. Speak to yourself in front of a mirror as it will bring more confidence in you. Read newspapers and books loudly. It will help you to in clear pronunciation. Always remember, “it’s not what you speak, its how you speak that matters”. When you speak try to make eye contact.
  • Listen: A good listener is a good learner. Listen to people when they speak as it will improve patience in you. Listening helps you to learn how to pronounce a word effectively.
  • Improve your Grammar: Read simple elementary grammar books to help you understand the basic grammatical concepts. If possible go to some one who has a good knowledge of grammar.
  • Practice & Continue Learning: Never try to stop learning because learning a language is not so simple as it looks. Practice a lot as is said, ‘Practice makes Perfect’.

These are some simple steps which you can follow in your home and community to become a skillful communicator.

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