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Thursday 1 December 2011

جوابی کارروائی بغیراجازت کی جائے،جنرل کیانی

راولپنڈی: پاکستان کے چیف آف آرمی اسٹاف جنرل اشفاق پرویز کیانی نے پاک فوج کے جوانوں کو کسی بھی بیرونی حملہ کی صورت میں فوری کارروائی کا حکم دے دیا ہے۔

پاک فوج کے مرکزی دفتر جی ایچ کیو سے جاری ہونے والی ہدایت میں انہوں نے پاک افغان سرحد پر واقع تمام چیک پوسٹوں پر موجود فوجی افسران اور جوانوں پر واضح کیا ہے کہ حملہ آور کوئی بھی ہو جوابی کارروائی کا فیصلہ فوری کیا جائے۔

پاک فوج کے چیف کی جانب سے انتہائی مختصر اور دوٹوک بیان میں یہ بھی کہا گیا ہے کہ بیرونی جارحیت کی صورت میں جوابی کارروائی کے لیے کسی اجازت کا انتظار نہ کیا جائے۔

دی نیوز ٹرائب کے نمائندے کے مطابق آرمی چیف کا حکم نامہ پاک افغان سرحد سے پر واقع تمام چیک پوسٹوں پر پہنچا دی گئی ہے اور اسے فوری طور پر نافذ العمل قرار دیا گیا ہے

Thursday 10 November 2011

What I learn From Steve Jobs

Many people have explained what one can learn from Steve Jobs. But few, if any, of these people have been inside the tent and experienced first hand what it was like to work with him. I don’t want any lessons to be lost or forgotten, so here is my list of the top twelve lessons that I learned from Steve Jobs.
  1. Experts are clueless.
    Experts—journalists, analysts, consultants, bankers, and gurus can’t “do” so they “advise.” They can tell you what is wrong with your product, but they cannot make a great one. They can tell you how to sell something, but they cannot sell it themselves. They can tell you how to create great teams, but they only manage a secretary. For example, the experts told us that the two biggest shortcomings of Macintosh in the mid 1980s was the lack of a daisy-wheel printer driver and Lotus 1-2-3; another advice gem from the experts was to buy Compaq. Hear what experts say, but don’t always listen to them.
  2. Customers cannot tell you what they need.
    “Apple market research” is an oxymoron. The Apple focus group was the right hemisphere of Steve’s brain talking to the left one. If you ask customers what they want, they will tell you, “Better, faster, and cheaper”—that is, better sameness, not revolutionary change. They can only describe their desires in terms of what they are already using—around the time of the introduction of Macintosh, all people said they wanted was better, faster, and cheaper MS-DOS machines. The richest vein for tech startups is creating the product that you want to use—that’s what Steve and Woz did.
  3. Jump to the next curve.
    Big wins happen when you go beyond better sameness. The best daisy-wheel printer companies were introducing new fonts in more sizes. Apple introduced the next curve: laser printing. Think of ice harvesters, ice factories, and refrigerator companies. Ice 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. Are you still harvesting ice during the winter from a frozen pond?
  4. The biggest challenges beget best work.
    I lived in fear that Steve would tell me that I, or my work, was crap. In public. This fear was a big challenge. Competing with IBM and then Microsoft was a big challenge. Changing the world was a big challenge. I, and Apple employees before me and after me, did their best work because we had to do our best work to meet the big challenges.
  5. Design counts.
    Steve drove people nuts with his design demands—some shades of black weren’t black enough. Mere mortals think that black is black, and that a trash can is a trash can. Steve was such a perfectionist—a perfectionist Beyond: Thunderdome—and lo and behold he was right: some people care about design and many people at least sense it. Maybe not everyone, but the important ones.
  6. You can’t go wrong with big graphics and big fonts.
    Take a look at Steve’s slides. The font is sixty points. There’s usually one big screenshot or graphic. Look at other tech speaker’s slides—even the ones who have seen Steve in action. The font is eight points, and there are no graphics. So many people say that Steve was the world’s greatest product introduction guy..don’t you wonder why more people don’t copy his style?
  7. Changing your mind is a sign of intelligence.
    When Apple first shipped the iPhone there was no such thing as apps. Apps, Steve decreed, were a bad thing because you never know what they could be doing to your phone. Safari web apps were the way to go until six months later when Steve decided, or someone convinced Steve, that apps were the way to go—but of course. Duh! Apple came a long way in a short time from Safari web apps to “there’s an app for that.”
  8. “Value” is different from “price.”
    Woe unto you if you decide everything based on price. Even more woe unto you if you compete solely on price. Price is not all that matters—what is important, at least to some people, is value. And value takes into account training, support, and the intrinsic joy of using the best tool that’s made. It’s pretty safe to say that no one buys Apple products because of their low price.
  9. A players hire A+ players.
    Actually, Steve believed that A players hire A players—that is people who are as good as they are. I refined this slightly—my theory is that A players hire people even better than themselves. It’s clear, though, that B players hire C players so they can feel superior to them, and C players hire D players. If you start hiring B players, expect what Steve called “the bozo explosion” to happen in your organization.
  10. Real CEOs demo.
    Steve Jobs could demo a pod, pad, phone, and Mac two to three times a year with millions of people watching, why is it that many CEOs call upon their vice-president of engineering to do a product demo? Maybe it’s to show that there’s a team effort in play. Maybe. It’s more likely that the CEO doesn’t understand what his/her company is making well enough to explain it. How pathetic is that?
  11. Real CEOs ship.
    For all his perfectionism, Steve could ship. Maybe the product wasn’t perfect every time, but it was almost always great enough to go. The lesson is that Steve wasn’t tinkering for the sake of tinkering—he had a goal: shipping and achieving worldwide domination of existing markets or creation of new markets. Apple is an engineering-centric company, not a research-centric one. Which would you rather be: Apple or Xerox PARC?
  12. Marketing boils down to providing unique value. Think of a 2 x 2 matrix. The vertical axis measures how your product differs from the competition. The horizontal axis measures the value of your product. Bottom right: valuable but not unique—you’ll have to compete on price. Top left: unique but not valuable—you’ll own a market that doesn’t exist. Bottom left: not unique and not value—you’re a bozo. Top right: unique and valuable—this is where you make margin, money, and history. For example, the iPod was unique and valuable because it was the only way to legally, inexpensively, and easily download music from the six biggest record labels.
Bonus: Some things need to be believed to be seen. When you are jumping curves, defying/ignoring the experts, facing off against big challenges, obsessing about design, and focusing on unique value, you will need to convince people to believe in what you are doing in order to see your efforts come to fruition. People needed to believe in Macintosh to see it become real. Ditto for iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Not everyone will believe—that’s okay. But the starting point of changing the world is changing a few minds. This is the greatest lesson of all that I learned from Steve.

Read more:

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Iqbal Day

ڈاکٹر سر علامہ محمد اقبال (9 نومبر 1877ء تا 21 اپریل 1938ء) بیسویں صدی کے ایک معروف شاعر، مصنف، قانون دان، سیاستدان، مسلم صوفی اور تحریک پاکستان کی اہم ترین شخصیات میں سے ایک تھے۔ اردو اور فارسی میں شاعری کرتے تھے اور یہی ان کی بنیادی وجۂ شہرت ہے۔ شاعری میں بنیادی رجحان تصوف اور احیائے امت اسلام کی طرف تھا۔ "دا ریکنسٹرکشن آف ریلیجس تھاٹ ان اسلام" کے نام سے انگریزی میں ایک نثری کتاب بھی تحریر کی جس کو بعض مسلم ممالک میں متنازع سمجھا جاتا ہے جبکہ سعودی عرب میں اس پر پابندی عائد ہے۔ علامہ اقبال کو دور جدید کا صوفی سمجھا جاتا ہے۔ بحیثیت سیاستدان ان کا سب سے نمایاں کارنامہ نظریۂ پاکستان کی تشکیل ہے جو انہوں نے 1930ء میں الہ آباد میں مسلم لیگ کے اجلاس کی صدارت کرتے ہوئے پیش کیا تھا۔ یہی نظریہ بعد میں پاکستان کے قیام کی بنیاد بنا۔ اسی وجہ علامہ اقبال کو پاکستان کا نظریاتی باپ سمجھا جاتا ہے۔ گو کہ انہوں نے اس نئے ملک کے قیام کو اپنی آنکھوں سے نہیں دیکھا لیکن انہیں پاکستان کے قومی شاعر کی حیثیت حاصل ہے۔

ولادت و ابتدائی زندگی

علامہ اقبال 9 نومبر 1877ء (بمطابق 3 ذیقعد 1294ھ[2]) کو برطانوی ہندوستان کے شہر سیالکوٹ میں شیخ نور محمد کے گھر پیدا ہوئے۔ ماں باپ نے نام محمد اقبال رکھا۔ مختلف تاریخ دانوں کے مابین علامہ کی تاریخ ولادت پر کچھ اختلافات رہے ہیں لیکن حکومت پاکستان سرکاری طور پر 9 نومبر 1877ء کو ہی ان کی تاریخ پیدائش تسلیم کرتی ہے۔

اقبال کے آبا‌ ؤ اجداد اٹھارویں صدی کے آخر یا انیسویں صدی کے اوائل میں کشمیر سے ہجرت کر کے سیالکوٹ آئے اور محلہ کھیتیاں میں آباد ہوئے۔


علامہ نے ابتدائی تعلیم سیالکوٹ میں ہی حاصل کی اور مشن ہائی سکول سے میٹرک اور مرے کالج سیالکوٹ سے ایف اے کا امتحان پاس کیے۔ زمانہ طالبعلمی میں انھیں میر حسن جیسے استاد ملے جنہوں نے آپ کی صلاحیتوں کو بھانپ لیا۔ اور ان کے اوصاف خیالات کے مطابق آپ کی صحیح رہنمائی کی۔ شعر و شاعری کا شوق بھی آپ کو یہیں پیدا ہوا۔ اور اس شوق کو فروغ دینے میں مولوی میر حسن کا بڑا دخل تھا۔
ایف اے کرنے کے بعد آپ اعلیٰ تعلیم کے لیے لاہور چلے گئے اور گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور سے بی اے اور ایم اے کے امتحانات پاس کیے یہاں آپ کو پروفیسرآرنلڈ جیسے فاضل شفیق استاد مل گئے جنہوں نے اپنے شاگرد کی رہنمائی میں کوئی کسر اٹھا نہ رکھی۔

1905 میں علامہ اقبال اعلیٰ تعلیم کے لیے انگلستان چلے گئے اور کیمبرج یونیورسٹی میں داخلہ لے لیا اور پروفیسر براؤن جیسے فاضل اساتذہ سے رہنمائی حاصل کی ۔ بعد میں آپ جرمنی چلے گئے جہاں میونخ یونیورسٹی سے آپ نے فلسفہ میں پی ایچ ڈی کی ڈگری حاصل کی۔

تدریس اور وکالت

ابتداء میں آپ نے ایم اے کرنے کے بعد اورینٹل کالج لاہور میں تدریس کے فرائض سرانجام دیے لیکن آپ نے بیرسٹری کو مستقل طور پر اپنایا۔ وکالت کے ساتھ ساتھ آپ شعروشاعری بھی کرتے رہے اور سیاسی تحریکیوں میں بھرپور انداز میں حصہ لیا۔ 1922ء میں حکومت کی طرف سے سر کا خطاب ملا۔


1926ء میں آپ پنجاب لیجسلیٹو اسمبلی کے ممبر چنے گئے۔ آپ آزادی وطن کے علمبردار تھے اور باقاعدہ سیاسی تحریکوں میں حصہ لیتے تھے۔ مسلم لیگ میں شامل ہوگئے اور آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ کے صدر منتخب ہوئے آپ کا الہ آباد کا مشہور صدارتی خطبہ تاریخی حیثیت رکھتا ہے اس خطبے میں آپ نے پاکستان کا تصور پیش کیا۔ 1931ء میں آپ نے گول میز کانفرنس میں شرکت کرکے مسلمانوں کی نمائندگی کی۔ آپ کی تعلیمات اور قائداعظم کی ان تھک کوششوں سے ملک آزاد ہوگیا اور پاکستان معرض وجود میں آیا۔ لیکن پاکستان کی آزادی سے پہلے ہی 21 اپریل 1938ء (بمطابق 20 صفر 1357ھ) میں علامہ انتقال کر گئے تھے۔ لیکن ایک عظیم شاعر اور مفکر کے طور پر قوم ہمیشہ ان کی احسان مند رہے گی۔ جس نے پاکستان کا تصور پیش کرکے برصغیر کے مسلمانوں میں جینے کی ایک نئی آس پیدا کی۔

شاعر مشرق علامہ اقبال حساس دل و دماغ کے مالک تھے آپ کی شاعری زندہ شاعری ہے جو ہمیشہ مسلمانوں کے لیے مشعل راہ بنی رہے گی۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ کلام اقبال دنیا کے ہر حصے میں پڑھا جاتا ہے اور مسلمانان عالم اسےبڑی عقیدت کے ساتھ زیر مطالعہ رکھتے اور ان کے فلسفے کو سمجھتے ہیں۔ اقبال نے نئی نسل میں انقلابی روح پھونکی اور اسلامی عظمت کو اجاگر کیا۔ ان کے کئی کتب کے انگریزی ، جرمنی ، فرانسیسی، چینی ، جاپانی اور دوسرے زبانوں میں ترجمے ہو چکے ہیں۔ جس سے بیرون ملک بھی لوگ آپ کے متعرف ہیں۔ بلامبالغہ علامہ اقبال ایک عظیم مفکر مانے جاتے ہیں۔

Eid Wishess




Saturday 13 August 2011

independence day

Happpy Independence day

§§¶¶§§§§§§§§§§§§§§¶¶¶11§§¶§§¶¶​§§¶¶§§§§§§¶§¶§§§§§§§ Touqeer Ahmed ♥


Saturday 30 July 2011

Tips to Develop Communication Skills in English

Communication means to convey message from one person to another in a clear and mannerly way so that the other person can understand. It requires both sender and receiver. When a sender sends a message the receiver should receive it without any disturbance then we can say that the communication is successful. In today’s world the way of communication portrays a person in the field of manners, how well-behaved he is and how he can present himself in front of the world. For this some skills are required in communication which makes it more effective.

Communication is the ability that distinguishes one individual from another. In order to be a good human being in a society one needs to develop communication skills. To develop communication skills attend the seminars and workshop on effective communication skills. Some tips to improve your communication skills:

  • Read: Just read, read and read what ever interest you as it is the first step of learning communication skills. Read books, newspapers, magazines, online articles etc.
  • Note: While reading which ever words you find difficult to understand just note it down. Then refer to a dictionary. This will help you to come across a lot of new and useful words which help you in your near future.
  • Speak: Speak more in English language to the people around you. The person who is communicating well speak to him regularly. He will notice your weakness and correct you in each and every manner. Speak to yourself in front of a mirror as it will bring more confidence in you. Read newspapers and books loudly. It will help you to in clear pronunciation. Always remember, “it’s not what you speak, its how you speak that matters”. When you speak try to make eye contact.
  • Listen: A good listener is a good learner. Listen to people when they speak as it will improve patience in you. Listening helps you to learn how to pronounce a word effectively.
  • Improve your Grammar: Read simple elementary grammar books to help you understand the basic grammatical concepts. If possible go to some one who has a good knowledge of grammar.
  • Practice & Continue Learning: Never try to stop learning because learning a language is not so simple as it looks. Practice a lot as is said, ‘Practice makes Perfect’.

These are some simple steps which you can follow in your home and community to become a skillful communicator.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Finished this Difference

There really is very little difference between people but, over time, that little difference makes a big difference.

Monday 18 July 2011

About Skills

Every one want skillls

A lot of these industries are having difficulty finding reliable workers with the skills they require.
Jerry Rubin 

A number of Americans were used, most often unwillingly, by North Korea to arm spies with English-speaking skills so they could target American interests in South Korea and beyond.
Robert Jenkins 

A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: 'Duh.'
Conan O'Brien 

A successful economic development strategy must focus on improving the skills of the area's workforce, reducing the cost of doing business and making available the resources business needs to compete and thrive in today's global economy.
Rod Blagojevich 

A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.
Larry Bird 

Ageing means a loss of a number of skills over time.
Julie Bishop 

Ah, mastery... what a profoundly satisfying feeling when one finally gets on top of a new set of skills... and then sees the light under the new door those skills can open, even as another door is closing.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Good Morning

Wake up and see God gives you a new chance to do some thing to satisfy your heart


Thursday 14 July 2011

good morning

Never Blame a day
                       In your life..
Good day
      Give you Happiness 
Bad day
 Give you experience
Both are essential in  life

Sunday 3 July 2011


It is possible to fail in many ways.. while to succeed is possible only in one way

~   Aristotle

A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. 

~   Dave Barry

Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them
master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

~   Helen Keller

The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it.
Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.

~   Epictetus

We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.

~   Stevie Wonder

If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule 
to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once a week.

~   Charles Darwin

Aim at the sun and you may not reach it; 
but your arrow will fly far higher 
than if you had aimed at an object on a level with yourself.

~   F. Hawes

Saturday 2 July 2011


The men who makes history, have no time to write it.

~   Matterinch

Waste of time is most extravagant and costly of all expenses

~   Theophratus.

Eat to please self, dress to please others

~   Franklin.

Be your own judge and be happy

~   M.Gandhi.

Imagination is the eye of the soul

~   Joubert

Circumstances are more powerfull than man

~   Nehru

Beard was never the true standards of the brain

~   Fuller

Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends

~   Shakespeare.

Tuesday 21 June 2011


Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
What about Today?
Today is a gift!.
That is why we call it the present

Tuesday 14 June 2011


Dear friends Think about it Y every time done this....... deference between Muslims and Non Muslims 

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Monday 6 June 2011

Saturday 4 June 2011


Just think about these words 
Is It or not

Youth Career Counselling: Tips for Engaging Generation Y

Youth born between 1980 and 2000 are known as the Y generation. Sometimes, they are even referred to as the “Why Not?” group! This is because they are so accustomed to instant problem solving through their various technological devices.

However, when it comes to career decision making, I have found them to be often bored and uninterested. Perhaps it is the “career” word, when they are thinking more along the lines of “jobs.”

Here are a few tips for keeping their attention:

Statistics for Stirring Interest

  • The average Gen Y person is expected to change jobs 29 times during their life.

  •  The average job retention rate for this group is expected to be 1.1 years.

Therefore, they desperately need to know what sort of positions they would enjoy, how to effectively job search and how to manage their own career process.

There are many other facts out there concerning Gen Y. In particular, the changing world of technology will have a huge impact on how careers will be transformed.

Actively listen

Listening to Youth does not mean you simply sit there and take in all they have to say, otherwise, by the end of the conversation, I’m sure you’ve probably forgotten your own name and the day of the week too.  Summarize often and repeat back to them things that you’ve heard them say, using their own words and let them direct the conversation, with just a little bit of guidance.  Start sentences with phrases like “It sounds like to me that you’ve said… “

Counseling skills

B. COUNSELING THEORIES and how to integrate these into

Friday 3 June 2011

Some Nice Tips

  1. We are unique, yet have common interests.
  2. We believe in shared humanity and valuing diversity.
  3. We want to be part of the decision making process.
  4. We should consider the long term impact of our actions.
  5. We will stand together for change and will empower others and ourselves.

Rajab Ka chand Mubarack ho.....

About AdSense and Google Affiliate Network for Your Blog - Blogger Help

About AdSense and Google Affiliate Network for Your Blog - Blogger Help

Leader ship

“Leadership is the activity of influencing people to cooperate toward some goal which they come to find desirable.”

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Every Morning u have two choices:
Continuous  sleep with Dreaming


wake up and chase your dreams 

Choice is your's 

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Golden Words

Abu Hurayrah, radhiallahu `anhu said,  "If anyone has five things then he will not be deprived of five others.

1. He who is enabled to show gratitude will never be deprived of increase of blessings. "If you give thanks, certainly I will give you more." (14:7)
2. He who is guided to persevere will not be deprived of reward. "Truly the persevering will be paid their reward in full without reckoning." (39:10)
3. One who is inspired to repent will not be deprived of its acceptance. "And He is (Allah) Who accepts repentance from His servants." (42:25)
4. One who is enabled to seek forgiveness will not be deprived of receiving pardon. "Seek forgiveness of your Lord; surely He is Ever-Forgiving." (71:10)
5. He who is spurred to make supplication is not deprived of an answer. "Call upon Me, and I shall answer you." (40:60)
In addition, a sixth proposition that one who is encouraged to spend will not be deprived of reward thereof. "And whatsoever you expend (for good) He shall replace it." (34:39)

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Muhammad Kamran Jamil
Director | Corporate Relations
Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan

Friday 27 May 2011

Pakistan Tiger

Today, 28th May, marks the anniversary of Youm-e-Takbeer, when Pakistan exploded its nuclear devices at Chaghi and became an 'overt' nuclear power, having acquired nuclear capability since 1983.Special Thanks to Sir Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Live Long Sir

Tarash project at school

we want that we do work for Pakistan youth and Inshallah we will and at this we are making our idea so be a part of Tarash Sharpen skills for better tomorrow 
Make your Tomorrow Bright so join us in this work.............
Youth is A Power